PE for T-34/85 from VoyagerModel

We are talking about sets from Voyager, namely PE35360 and PE353361. The manufacturer positions them as one set and assumes that the result can be as follows

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Итак: PE35360  Russian T-34/85 (For AFV CLUB 35144).
Что интересно, модель AFV CLUB 35144, которая упоминается в названии набора, на самом деле является моделью танка Т-34 с 76-мм пушкой, полное название которой “35144 AFV Club T-34/76 1942/43 Factory 183 Full Interior Kit“.

Those interested can see additional angles on the manufacturer’s website on their own.

So: PE35360 Russian T-34/85 (For AFV CLUB 35144). Interestingly, the AFV CLUB 35144 model, which is mentioned in the name of the kit, is actually a model of the T-34 tank with a 76 mm cannon, the full name of which is “35144 AFV Club T-34/76 1942/43 Factory 183 Full Interior Kit .

However, all visuals use the junior model. Okay, sort of confused.

The set is packed in a classic branded box, on the back of which the complete set is indicated.

Apparently, a hodgepodge of boards from previously released kits for similar models from other manufacturers or not similar at all has been prepared inside.
Frame А

The number on the board shows that it comes from the PE35124 T-34/85 Mod.1944 (For DRAGON 6066/6203/6319/3318) set.
From the same place, made of white metal, and a lattice

Frame B is suitable for any T-34,

as well as frame H and frame C in general for the T-34/76 sample of 1943

Two frames with blanks for additional fuel tanks and smoke bombs from the self-contained set PEA078  Exterior Tanks and Smoke Gernerators for Soviet Tank (For ALL)

On the announcement of the set, the tanks are given in a very picturesque form, but the smoke bomb is not even close to itself in general and to the one that will come out of this set, in particular.

Similarly, the frames F and G are also an independent creation of the PEA079 1/35 Ice Cleats Set for T-34/76 or T-34/85 (For ALL)

Frame with chain 

generally from a separate set for German SPGs, namely ME-A005 WWII German Amour plug for Fedinand / Elehone / Sturmtiger, which is available on the manufacturer’s website, with this announcementAdditionally, there are: metal bolts for attaching smoke bombs and plugs for pistol ports (the latter seemed to me necessary at first, because on the model they are somehow indistinct, but in the set they are not of the correct shape – the end is flat)

plus resin fuel tank necks. Also added are plastic rods of two different diameters for attaching cylindrical (tanks and checkers) parts and 0.3 wire pieces to form lattices. A good replacement (I did not look at the texture on purpose) to the thread from the model will be a twisted metal cable. Here is such a mess turned out to be also incorrectly named.

Instruction on 5 pages of A4 format


Please note that many positions are given in alternatives.

The next set is PE35361 WWII Russian T-34 series Fenders (For AFV CLUB kit).
Branded packaging

Two yellow metal frames

in the name of which it is clear that the set should cover the range from the T-34/76 release in 1942 to the T-34/85 release in 1944.

Instructions on both sides on one A4 sheet

I hope this review will be useful to someone when making a purchase decision. If I had read it in due time, I would have looked for something else. Painfully confused by the prefabricated nature of the set. This is whatever its validity and suitability.

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