AF35145 T-34/85 Model 174 … (AFV Club)
To embody the symbol of victory, the AFV Club AF35145 T-34/85 Model 174 Factory Full Interior Kit was purchased. I did not find a review of this model, I came across only unfinished construction sites of the related AFV35S56 set, which is distinguished by transparent body parts. Judging by them, people paint over transparent beauty. At first it was strange for me, but after trying it on to my desires (the interior, except for the tower, do not do; save the engine for KV), I decided that our oddities are of the same order.
Let’s go directly to the review.
In a box with a laconic boxart
sprues of light gray plastic in plastic bags are waiting for us
Frame А
Frame B in duplicate
Frame D
plus a couple of details
Frame Е
body parts closer
Frame F
several angles of the tank turret
Two frames G
The body is given in two halves.
There is a slight flaking on the parts in places, which does not cause disturbance. True, personally, I, having not met him at all on previous models, was somewhat discouraged.
Rubber bands are provided on separate black plastic frames. The plastic is hard, not a bit rubbery.
Separate transparent plastic frame
The set of metal includes a barrel and suspension springs,
as well as small photo-etching.
The set includes very thin and delicate vinyl tracks
and a very laconic decal is attached.
There is also a piece of thread imitating a cable, but, due to its wretchedness, I will not show it.
A4 instructions are quite voluminous
Judging by some fragments, it (the instruction) is practically the same for the entire line of T-34 models of this company.
There is no color scheme as such in the box, there is a sheet with a larger repetition of the boxart pattern.