Museum G.O.R.A. Zone III Tank location.

It seems that the tank location is the most compact of all. And despite this compactness, it is clearly and visibly divided into two parts: under the canopy and under the trees.

The beginning, chronologically and numerologically, is under the canopy, and that’s where we’ll start.

The entire row of exhibits didn’t fit into my frame, so I’m demonstrating it in a truncated version, but from two opposite sides.

Although the series starts not with a tank, but with a tank turret. There are two of them: a T-38 and a small T-28 – and both turned out badly in my photo. So, no offense, but without them.

There is also a “prepared” T-34 right here.

Why the others were denied a roof over their heads is unclear. In my opinion, there are no less historically valuable exhibits there. Maybe thicker armor?

It starts with the Lend-Lease technique.

I still need to glue together a Sherman somehow! The design is fundamentally different from the European engineering school.

Next came domestic armored vehicles.

Here is such a small location. I compensated for it as best I could with the detail of the presentation.

To be continued …

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