Museum G.O.R.A. Zone VII Partisan location.

We reached the strangest location. It is almost entirely located in the forest, and in this respect it fully corresponds to the term “partisan”. But in terms of content – there is nothing in common.

Geographically, in this territory, but substantively outside the theme of the location, large-caliber guns are placed in camouflaged positions.

Plus, in the thicket of the forest there are two camouflaged anti-aircraft positions.

For a long time I could not understand why such a digital index was assigned to the exhibits, because number 6 is assigned to modern equipment, and this equipment is clearly not modern. Until I accidentally and in a completely different place saw a plan of the museum in the version of the previous zoning. In it, under number 6 is listed “Artillery of the Reserve of the General Command, armored equipment.” And the signs are apparently old.

A field kitchen could be considered a guerrilla theme, but this is also a bit of a stretch.

So there are two contenders left for this one: a laser tag site

and the rope town is not for everyone.

(Text: “Rope town only for members of the Summer of Victories club”)

To be continued…

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